Mr & Mrs Gleason

I don’t get a lot of moments I get to write about myself, but here we are! I figured that since most of my brides get a spot on the blog my own elopement could make it too! It’s been such a fun journey, so here’s the short version!

Jeremy and I have been together since October 2022, we instantly became amazing friends and started dating shortly after we met.

Our first date if you can believe it was zip-lining here in Warrenton, it was an absolute blast! The sense of adventure he has brings out the absolute best in me! Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months of us getting to know each other. Our likes, dislikes and soon after we started dating I knew I was going to marry this man someday! We didn’t rush, didn’t expect anything from each other, just enjoyed each others company. Which is still true to this day, still enjoy each others company, friendship and now as a married couple!

Jeremy proposed July 4th, 2023! It was super unexpected and a surprise to me! We had watched fireworks on the beach, had a bonfire and watched downtown Astoria fireworks as well. Let’s just say it was a perfect way to end the night!

Shortly after our engagement we found ourselves in the midst of doing a complete renovation of our house! Meaning gutting the entire thing and pretty much starting from scratch! It’s been a whirlwind for us financially trying to pay for a wedding and house renovations at the same time is a nightmare! After a few months we decided elopement was going to be the best option for us! So we put away the big wedding plan and started elopement planning!

We had hoped to make a big trip of it, maybe go to Ireland, say our vows on the cliffs of Moher, or in front of sheep on a hillside. If not that extravagant then a road trip to the Bonneville Salt Flats, or to the Redwood forest for a truly magical experience. Time and finances played a key part in our decision to just go for it! So we picked a date and went for it! 4/7/24 it was! Absolutely perfect if I do say so myself! The weather, the people we had share in the moments we shared saying our vows and capturing our amazing day! If I could do it all again, I would do it the same way! No stress, having to entertain guests, or deal with family drama. Just us, our love and the special people we wanted to whiteness the moments with us. Even if it was 10 minutes from our house, it didn’t matter, what mattered most to both of us was spending the day together, celebrating our love and making the best of each moment throughout the day!

I love you my Jeremy! Thank you for choosing me as your best friend, and now wife. The day I met you is a day I will forever be thankful I took the leap and said ‘Hi’ and saying yes to going on a date with you! From now till forever my love.

Your Mindy.


and so the lion fell in love with the lamb